Thursday, May 11, 2017

Creating Super Readers

     My school is incredibly diverse; it is almost like 3 schools in one. We have a very successful International Baccalaureate program, Valencia Academy (Technology magnet program), and AVID (big time- we were recently named an AVID demonstration school- only 3% of AVID schools receive this designation).   We serve the highest levels to brand new immigrant students and everyone in between. That is what I love about this school; we have so much diversity and we are giving our students a realistic experience of how the world is outside our walls! 
     One of our specialty programs is the on-campus preschool that gives our students the opportunity to earn certification in Early Childhood Education and the ability/experience to go into a preschool and work with children using their skills and experience upon graduation. 
     Now, back to those sweet and funny preschoolers; they are my favorite friends! They come in once each month to read with me and their big "buddies," this year's group has really developed a  deep love of reading. This year they have simply been AMAZING! Every visit is an utter delight! The kids simply L-O-V-E 💗reading! One little girl, Kiara, asks me nearly every time to read more books and longer ones.  One time she asked, "Why do you only read 2 books each time?" Why indeed! So tomorrow, I will be reading 3!.

     We will have our last visit tomorrow and I am surprising them with superhero capes because they are SUPER READERS
Emily Winfield Martin's book, The Wonderful Things You Will Be and Pinterest were my inspiration for this little bit of fun.  I used the plastic sheeting we use for our staff luncheon tables and cut vinyl using my Silhouette to make the capes more special. 
     The link (via Pinterest) from Mrs. Goff's blog, gave me further inspiration. I will be taking pics of the little SuperReaders and posting them on our Valencia Reads bulletin board. Then I will use the photo to create a certificate awarding them the title of Super Reader. 
     I will add more pictures tomorrow as we take over the world as SuperReaders
     Oh boy! That was AWESOME-- so much fun. They were so excited. I wore my own cape and they were so curious and cute! At the end of our three books, I had each one come up and I made a proclamation that each was a SuperReader and then placed the cape over their head. They just thought that was the coolest thing. 


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